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Prozorro.Sale is a GovTech company that develops bespoke software solutions for the sale and lease of various state and municipal assets

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The main product of Prozorro.Sale is their online auction. There are several types of auctions for different types of markets and assets. The company initially used a free UI Kit which had limited functionality and was quite outdated.

Our task was to create a responsive web app with a user-friendly auction UX\UI that could incorporate all the legal requirements and restrictions.

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We worked with Prozorro.Sale for over a year and produced two design concepts. Most of the major UX changes were already introduced in the first one and it successfully operated for a year. The second was created to match the new visual corporate identity of Prozorro.Sale and went live in June 2021.

The new web app incorporates four auction types in a minimalistic look, a convenient mobile-first auction interface, and error pop-ups to minimize input mistakes. We introduced a sandbox auction where users can test various features before launching a real one. The system now also asks for feedback once the auction is over.

Designing a new type of auction or additional products is now three times faster. At the moment, we keep working on UI\UX for new auction types and on the accessible interface with level AAA conformance.

In 2021, Prozorro.Sale received the Open Government Award. The project competed in the category OGP Impact Awards as the one changing the country, improving the quality of life in society, and making the actions of the authorities open to citizens.


Review and planning

Prozorro.Sale requested input from stakeholders and collected mandatory legal requirements for the auction UI\UX from the lawyers. We have determined that users struggled to analyze auction details and results. In the meantime, support agents had difficulties managing client-side errors.

Apart from that, Prozorro.Sale web app was out of tune with the corporate visual identity. The UI was not optimized for mobile and did not allow the creation of new auction types.


Production and testing

The system had to account for Dutch and English auctions as well as potential new auction types. We suggested a consistent page structure with clear logic behind it and managed to marry legal and business requirements with a mobile-first UX.

We created a concept and first design drafts to get a feel of the future product. The stakeholders tested it and shared feedback which we used to fine-tune the design.


Preparation for development

We designed thorough mockups and provided developers at Prozorro.Sale with numerous comments in Figma. It helped them implement our design with fewer iterations.


Development support and post-production

We remained in close contact with the outsourced development and QA teams throughout the entire production phase.

We`ve significantly updated UI\UX of several existing auction types and designed two new types. The number of mechanical errors within the auction interface has decreased to almost zero. Auction participants and observers can now comfortably use the service on any device and support agents can promptly resolve user problems.

No items found.
No items found. is the best design team I’ve ever worked with. Even if you can't provide the exact requirements, they will find a way to solve the task and come up with a far better solution than you have expected, frequently ahead of schedule.

Oleksandr Akulenko
Chief Product Officer, Prozorro.Sale
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